Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Mystical Morning

I took Teddy out for his morning romp and was surprised by how warm it was. As the sun came over the mountain the raindrops (from last night)looked like diamonds in the branches. They twinkled like little Christmas lights. It was so mystical I expected a fairy to appear. But Teddy must have scared them off. Oh well..... one can dream. I must clean out the little pond in the front, it is full of leaves. Teddy wanted this photo taken (will you look at that pose) and sent to Angell so she won't forget him. LOL Enough fooling around. I will now finish some of my UFO's and post results later today!


Christine said...

Sharon, love the little pond and its bamboo water pipe. Do you get frogs in there, or is it too cold? I like to leave a little layer of leaves in the bottom of my pond for the frogs and tadpoles to hide under so the birds can't get them.

I think you're right about the pup, he seemed to be posing like a Supermodel, showing his best angle, VBG.

Thanks for showing us your beautiful world,

Wildflowerhouse said...

Hi Christine, Yes we get the tiny little frogs that croak like bullfrogs.Teddy tries to find them, but never has.I float a little bamboo raft during the winter and they hide under that. It's our big pond in back that we have to watch out for blue herons getting to our fish. So we have to provide good hiding places for them. Teddy was glad you noticed him.LOL