Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Treasure Box

I have been working on a little treasure box for a Christmas gift . The little girl this is going to is a treasure herself. I had a treasure box as a child (I still have it) where I kept small things that were special to me. Here is how it looks at the start. I shall make a crazy quilted top for the box.

The box shall be painted in her favorite colors. Those are little feet I created for the box to sit on. I will post my progress, but the sun is out and Teddy wants to go for a walk. He has his priorities, you know.....LOL


Rengin Yazitas said...

Sharon, it is so obvious that you're a real keeper like us and you found your perfect interest, CQ!!! Am I right???
Looking forward to see your progress, this is going to be a wonderful gift.

Wildflowerhouse said...

Thanks Rengin,and you are right about CQ. I am just about finished with the treasure box and will post soon.Sharon