Today was supposed to be my day of leisure after running a few errands.
AHH HA! I came back home after running my errands, made myself some lunch and settled into my studio. Joyfully eating lunch and watching Chester nibbling on his just outside my window, when he climbed down and into my pot of primroses. Pretty soon dirt was flying everywhere. The little devil was hiding his stash again. He had "out squirreled" me again and found a way around the screening I had put down. So I flew out the front door to have a few words with the little fellow. Teddy came too. I heard the dreaded noise of the front door closing. OH NO!!!! OH YES I was locked out of my house. I swear Chester was laughing. Yes he was. I proceeded to try every door (8) but no luck. I stopped by my studio window to look longingly at my now cold lunch. Then I was getting a ladder to try climbing to the second story balcony. This is the lady who doesn't do heights. Thought better of it. Did a few jumping jacks (quit laughing) to stay warm. Sure pays to live in the middle of no where. Thought about hiking to the neighbors down the road. But I didn't have a leash for the Ted and He would have gone wild. So I sat on the front steps, starving, cold and thinking about stealing some of Chester's nuts when I had a light bulb moment. Back when my son was in high school ( he is now in his 30's) I hide a key in the woods, just in case he got locked out. So I hiked into the woods and would you believe the key was still there in a little plastic bag. So that was my day of leisure.
On a brighter note
Lelia's gift of Sunday at Tiffany's arrived in the mail. Can't wait to read it. This was from
OWOH. She has a very interesting blog that you all would enjoy. Thanks Lelia, I certainly will enjoy this book. After my NAP!!!!!!
I'm glad Chester didn't find your spare key! LOL! Glad you didn't freeze and hope the rest of your day was wonderful!
Oh my gosh Sharon, that is too funny. So glad you had the brain storm about the key.
That's too funny! It reminded me of one that happened to me, so I'll post it and let's see if anyone else has any locked out of the house stories! What a great laugh, and how cool was it that the key was still hid in the woods after all this time!!
Oh Dear Sharon!!!!!
What a day you had.... How fortunate you found a key....
Reminds me of one episode last summer. First of all we always keep the doors locked, it's a habit.. anyway I went out to the garden to do a bit of weeding, Meanwhile my DH decided to go downtown for something and as he left...... YEP you got it.... He locked the screen door ...
Well when I went to come in ...NOT!!I was not in a good mood and there was no way to get in, so I just had to wait around until he returned,,,We live in a small town so he was not gone too long. When he got home we both had a good laugh...LOL
Sounds like you had your day cut out for you girl!!Thank God you had your key out there! Thinks were kind of strange out here too yesterday, you think its almost full moon???LOL
I know it was a terrible day, but the way you told the story made me laugh. I am glad you had a key out in the woods! Thank you for your comment! I am glad I'm not alone. Have a great weekend!
Sharon, I hope you do not mind , but I added you to my links?
OMG! Luckily you found that key!! Sometimes we just do things... without thinking! That's what hubby often says to me!
Sharon!! I'm so glad you had the key in the baggie!! Sounds just like something I would have done....please use any of the images I post...I would love it!! Have a great weekend, xxoo, Dawn
So glad to hear from you. And you would be welcome to come play anytime, just let me know.
Wow! What a day you had! Lucky for you that key was still there. My daughter used to lose her house key all the time when she was a kid. I tried everything! We lived in Burbank so hiding it was out of the question! She still loses things all the time!
Hi Sharon!
Loved your story! I think we probably all have one of those stories, but just aren't brave enough to admit it! I know I have mine! LOL!
I'm so pleased you are almost finished your wristwarmers! Have you gotten any more "help" from your little Teddy? I had a great laugh over that one! I could just picture it!
Oh my gosh! Locked out in the WINTER!
Thank goodness it wasn't snowing or you'd be a popsicle before you know it!
Hope you put the key back in the woods for "next time"! Uh-oh! ;-)
Diane (who isn't "cloned" but does have a hubby who cooks. Don't look at the dust in our house though.)
Oh My!!
What a day.
I got cold and tired just reading it.
Glad all worked out. =0)
Thanks for coming by and signing up for my giveaway.
Always nice to hear from you.
Barbara Jean
Sharon your blog is always inspiring! Love the music and special touches.
Thanks girls for all your comments. Yes I put the key in a new place. Yes CHESTER is still alive and kicking. And NO I didn't eat his sunflower seeds. LOL
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