Oh that Bella McBride she is quick. She caught me but she didn't even say go!
I'm to pick the 6th picture from my 6th folder, post it, blog about it, and then choose 6 other bloggers and let them blog about their 6 and 6! So I am looking back to my sixth post and this was the photo, Laurel Burch's family had asked me to send a photo honoring Laurel. I spent all day trying to think of what she was to me and this was it.A beautiful waterlily floating through our lives. I still think of her and miss this wonderful courageous lady.
1. Joy2. Anji
3. Elizabeth
6. Rhondi
Have fun viewing these ladies blogs.!!!
thanks Sharon, I think, lol....I have no idea what picture I will bring up!
thanks for visiting my blog, but believe me, I have enough issues here to take me atleast a year to organize. You should see MrWhim's closet...ahhhh Its scary...
Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm also taking a look at those who Bella tagged. I'm looking forward to exploring more of your blog.
Hi Sharon!
Thanks for playing! It was kind of fun to go back and see all those pictures!
Hope you are having fun crocheting those wristwarmers! I'm anxious to see the finished product!
Hi Sharon! :) Thank you for coming by my site during OWOH! You won my giveaway for a free print from my etsy shop! Please stop by and tell me which one you would like. :)
My email is mwrightaz1@yahoo.com
That is a beautiful photo Sharon. I'll definitely see what I can come up with! :o)
Hi Sharon, I just wanted to tell you thank you for the comment you left and wanted to tell you that you won one of the prizes.
xoxo Nita
Sharon, this photo is beautiful. Is there a crazy quilt in the works for it? I can picture it as the center photo!
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