Yesterday Teddy and I went to the Lake for our walk. It (are you ready for this) was 65 degrees. It was glorious to say the least. There were a few people there with their pooches. It was fun to watch the dogs frolic and lay in the grass warming themselves by the sun. On the way home Ted and I had a serious discussion, because he could see the glint in my eyes. "No mom, you know it could snow tomorrow, don't do it" But alas it was to late. I parked the car and went into the garden store and bought a basket full of primroses for the front entry pots. Home we went and planted these. Grabbed the camera for photos to share with my still snowbound friends. Spring is just around the corner, I just know it. So hang in there dear friends and enjoy my primroses while you wait. 
I smell the primrose, one of my favorite flowers. I so long for spring, enjoy the warmth you are having!. I know it will come here at some point, I keep telling myself that...
I loved seeing these flowers today! SOmething to brighten up my cold winter day.....
I sooo hope you're right about spring being around the corner, am so getting tired of waking up at 10 or less degrees in the morning. They say we are getting more snow tonight.
Want some???/LOL
Thanks for the beautiful flowers...
I absolutely adore primroses! So colorful and evocative of spring for sure! Thanks, Sharon! They're saying 40 degrees here by the weekend!
Dare we HOPE?! LOL!
Punksataughny Phil (sp?) says 6 more weeks of winter. I can live with that! Days are getting longer already.
Diane :-))
Hi Sharon,
I saw your comment on Diane's blog and had to come by to enjoy the flowers. They're gorgeous - thank you! :)
I will never forget the primroses that we used to get in Longview!!They were enormous- trouble was the slugs loved them and I HATE slugs!!!! I really do miss that part of the world!! thanks for the spring preview!!
Ahhhhhh! They smell so fresh and sweet! Thanks. The snow is still very deep here but the sun is shining and we are supposed to warm up tomorrow and Sunday....fingers crossed. I cannot wait until Spring arrives!!!!!!!!!!!!! The primrose are beautiful and sassy!
Oh My Sharon,
You have everyone drooling over the gorgeous flowers!!!!Lucky you...
We still have tons of snow, but rain is predicted for a few days.... who knows... That miserable little groundhog says 6 more weeks of winter, but it seems every year he is wrong... Shadow or not we still seem to have to wait for 6 weeks!!!!
Oh well Spring will come eventually....sigh
Hi Sharon, no snow here, but its been known to happen. Im really enjoying this funky weather, it fits my mood. My husband doesn't "winter well" . He mountian bikes, but the overcast sky and the chance of rain hasn't detured him today. A quiet time for me.
Hope your spring comes soon.
Hi Sharon, gorgeous colours! I love primroses...
Our pooches need Spring... what about us???
Oh dear it is Monday the 9th and I woke to snow. Darn that terrible little groundhog. Let me at him. The primroses are fine though and the snow just a dusting, so all is not lost. Thanks for all your messages. Smile spring is coming. Sharon
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