Wednesday, November 12, 2014


They said it was coming and I caught this shot
from my living room window 2 days ago. They 
said we wouldn't get anything from this giant
storm, that it would be east of us.
I woke at1AM to no power and high winds of
50 mpr and more. I could hear things
 crashing and falling outside. When
daylight came, still no power and freezing cold.
I put the puppies in some sweaters that were suppose to 
be Teddy's gifts last Christmas. For those who don't
know Teddy was my precious Bichon who passed away
right before Christmas. The sweaters are a little big but
they helped. Outside the wind was still gusting and the temps were
still dropping. I went from window to window and saw the 
destruction. My beautiful cedar arbor which was new was now in 
pieces on the ground (and it had been anchored to bricks).
Tree branches. lawn furniture all strewn  about.
Talking to a neighbor on the road below, she said trees had come down
on the power lines and had started two fires. She is still without
power. Mine came back on around noon.

 They huddled together all day and were terrified from the 
sounds of the wind howling outside.
On a cheery note I finished making my own envelopes
Here they are waiting for the glue to dry.

Some of the finished ones.

And some cards all finished , packaged and 
ready to go.
Figured since there were trees hanging over the power lines
on the road, I'd stay home and finish some projects.
I even cleaned my big desk top.
They say we are in for it again tonight so maybe 
I'll get more done. You never know.


Createology said...

Mother Nature is certainly the boss over weather. Stay safe and warm dear. Your envelpes and cards are lovely! Creative Two Puppy Bliss...

Judy S. said...

Hi Sharon, You're right it is CHILLY! We didn't get the wind you did, but the temps. did take a dive and our Internet connection didn't work till late this afternoon. I'm sorry you had so much wind damage! It's down right scary when it blows like that. Hugs.

baukje said...

Oh my how anxious thet must have been, glad that tou and the two are allright.

Snap said...

Brrrrrrrr is right! Even I think it is cold. Our Canadian friends are being very friendly with the cold air!!!! Ha! You asked about the bird feathers ... they are from the white winged dove. I get White Winged, Mourning, Inca and Asian Collared doves, but it is the white winged that leave me the feathers!

Debbie Nolan said...

My Sharon - sounds like you had quite a storm. So glad you and the boys survived. Sorry about your arbor...that has to hurt to see something you enjoyed broken.
On the good note though your cards and envelopes are fabulous. Love them! I hope you can still get things done without another bad storm. Stay safe my friend. Hugs

Diana said...

Your cards and envelopes are gorgeous. And the dear pups so adorable. So glad you have the power back on. It's cold here too. sending you a hug, Sharon, love,Diana

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Oh I'm glad your damage wasn't worse and your power was back on. We are far enough north that we are getting nothing from that storm. We've had bright blue skies all week, but very cool temperatures - and frost every night. The geraniums are now done for.

I really like the envelopes and the cards. Stormy days are good for getting caught up, if you can be warm

Susan said...

Wow ! Sounds like you had quite a night. Your two puppies look so sweet cuddled up together in their sweaters. It's amazing what you accomplished. Your cards and envelopes are just beautiful

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Those weather people don't seem to get things right. They are either predicting the worst and nothing happens, or they predict nothing and then you get slammed. Puppies look like they are a little scared. But they are cute in their Teddy sweaters. So happy that they are able to make use of them. Your envelopes and cards are very pretty. Best wishes, Tammy